Alaska, AK

USA > Alaska
State :Alaska
State Postal Code :AK
Land Area : 570,637.73 sq mi
Water Area : 94,742.56 sq mi
Latitude :63.3461910
Longitude :-152.8370679
Population (2010):710,231
Population Estimate (2012) :711,139
Population Density : 1.24/sq mi
Housing Units (2012) :306,967
Median Household Income (2012) :$69,917 (USA : $53,046)
Median Family Income (2012) :$81,752 (USA : $64,585)
Median House Price (2012) :$237,900 (USA : $181,400)

Alaska Counties

Aleutians East Borough (3,141) Aleutians West Census Area (5,561) Anchorage Municipality (291,826)
Bethel Census Area (17,013) Bristol Bay Borough (997) Denali Borough (1,826)
Dillingham Census Area (4,847) Fairbanks North Star Borough (97,581) Haines Borough (2,508)
Hoonah-angoon Census Area (2,150) Juneau City And Borough (31,275) Kenai Peninsula Borough (55,400)
Ketchikan Gateway Borough (13,477) Kodiak Island Borough (13,592) Lake And Peninsula Borough (1,631)
Matanuska-susitna Borough (88,995) Nome Census Area (9,492) North Slope Borough (9,430)
Northwest Arctic Borough (7,523) Petersburg Census Area (3,815) Prince of Wales-hyder Census Area (5,559)
Sitka City And Borough (8,881) Skagway Municipality (968) Southeast Fairbanks Census Area (7,029)
Valdez-cordova Census Area (9,636) Wade Hampton Census Area (7,459) Wrangell City And Borough (2,369)
Yakutat City And Borough (662) Yukon-koyukuk Census Area (5,588)

Alaska Cities

Adak City (326) Akhiok City (71) Akiachak (627)
Akiak City (346) Akutan City (1,027) Alakanuk City (677)
Alatna (37) Alcan Border (33) Aleknagik City (219)
Aleneva (37) Allakaket City (105) Ambler City (258)
Anaktuvuk Pass City (324) Anchorage Municipality (291,826) Anchor Point (1,930)
Anderson City (246) Angoon City (459) Aniak City (501)
Anvik City (85) Arctic Village (152) Atka City (61)
Atmautluak (277) Atqasuk City (233) Attu Station (21)
Badger (19,482) Barrow City (4,212) Bear Creek (1,956)
Beaver (84) Beluga (20) Bethel City (6,080)
Bettles City (12) Big Delta (591) Big Lake (3,350)
Birch Creek (33) Brevig Mission City (388) Buckland City (416)
Buffalo Soapstone (855) Butte (3,246) Cantwell (219)
Central (96) Chalkyitsik (69) Chase (34)
Chefornak City (418) Chena Ridge (5,791) Chenega (76)
Chevak City (938) Chickaloon (272) Chicken (7)
Chignik City (91) Chignik Lagoon (78) Chignik Lake (73)
Chiniak (47) Chisana (0) Chistochina (93)
Chitina (126) Chuathbaluk City (118) Circle (104)
Clam Gulch (176) Clark's Point City (62) Coffman Cove City (176)
Cohoe (1,364) Cold Bay City (108) Coldfoot (10)
College (12,964) Cooper Landing (289) Copper Center (328)
Cordova City (2,239) Covenant Life (86) Craig City (1,201)
Crooked Creek (105) Crown Point (74) Deering City (122)
Delta Junction City (958) Deltana (2,251) Diamond Ridge (1,156)
Dillingham City (2,329) Diomede City (115) Dot Lake (13)
Dot Lake Village (62) Dry Creek (94) Eagle City (86)
Eagle Village (67) Edna Bay (42) Eek City (296)
Egegik City (109) Eielson Afb (2,647) Ekwok City (115)
Elfin Cove (20) Elim City (330) Emmonak City (762)
Ester (2,422) Eureka Roadhouse (29) Evansville (15)
Excursion Inlet (12) Fairbanks City (31,535) False Pass City (35)
Farmers Loop (4,853) Farm Loop (1,028) Ferry (33)
Fishhook (4,679) Flat (0) Fort Greely (539)
Fort Yukon City (583) Four Mile Road (43) Fox (417)
Fox River (685) Fritz Creek (1,932) Funny River (877)
Gakona (218) Galena City (470) Gambell City (681)
Game Creek (18) Gateway (5,552) Glacier View (234)
Glennallen (483) Goldstream (3,557) Golovin City (156)
Goodnews Bay City (243) Grayling City (194) Gulkana (119)
Gustavus City (442) Haines (1,713) Halibut Cove (76)
Happy Valley (593) Harding-birch Lakes (299) Healy (1,021)
Healy Lake (13) Hobart Bay (1) Hollis (112)
Holy Cross City (178) Homer City (5,003) Hoonah City (760)
Hooper Bay City (1,093) Hope (192) Houston City (1,912)
Hughes City (77) Huslia City (275) Hydaburg City (376)
Hyder (87) Igiugig (50) Iliamna (109)
Ivanof Bay (7) Juneau City And Borough (31,275) Kachemak City (472)
Kake City (557) Kaktovik City (239) Kalifornsky (7,850)
Kaltag City (190) Karluk (37) Kasaan City (49)
Kasigluk (569) Kasilof (549) Kenai City (7,100)
Kenny Lake (355) Ketchikan City (8,050) Kiana City (361)
King Cove City (938) King Salmon (374) Kipnuk (639)
Kivalina City (374) Klawock City (755) Klukwan (95)
Knik-fairview (14,923) Knik River (744) Kobuk City (151)
Kodiak City (6,130) Kodiak Station (1,301) Kokhanok (170)
Koliganek (209) Kongiganak (439) Kotlik City (577)
Kotzebue City (3,201) Koyuk City (332) Koyukuk City (96)
Kupreanof City (27) Kwethluk City (721) Kwigillingok (321)
Lake Louise (46) Lake Minchumina (13) Lakes (8,364)
Larsen Bay City (87) Lazy Mountain (1,479) Levelock (69)
Lime Village (29) Livengood (13) Loring (4)
Lowell Point (80) Lower Kalskag City (282) Lutak (49)
Mccarthy (28) Mcgrath City (346) Mckinley Park (185)
Manley Hot Springs (89) Manokotak City (442) Marshall City (414)
Meadow Lakes (7,570) Mekoryuk City (191) Mendeltna (39)
Mentasta Lake (112) Mertarvik (0) Metlakatla (1,405)
Minto (210) Moose Creek (747) Moose Pass (219)
Mosquito Lake (309) Mountain Village City (813) Mud Bay (212)
Nabesna (5) Naknek (544) Nanwalek (254)
Napakiak City (354) Napaskiak City (405) Naukati Bay (113)
Nelchina (59) Nelson Lagoon (52) Nenana City (378)
New Allakaket (66) Newhalen City (190) New Stuyahok City (510)
Newtok (354) Nightmute City (280) Nikiski (4,493)
Nikolaevsk (318) Nikolai City (94) Nikolski (18)
Ninilchik (883) Noatak (514) Nome City (3,598)
Nondalton City (164) Noorvik City (668) North Pole City (2,117)
Northway (71) Northway Junction (54) Northway Village (98)
Nuiqsut City (402) Nulato City (264) Nunam Iqua City (187)
Nunapitchuk City (496) Old Harbor City (218) Oscarville (70)
Ouzinkie City (161) Palmer City (5,937) Paxson (40)
Pedro Bay (42) Pelican City (88) Perryville (113)
Petersburg City (2,948) Petersville (4) Pilot Point City (68)
Pilot Station City (568) Pitkas Point (109) Platinum City (61)
Pleasant Valley (725) Point Baker (15) Point Hope City (674)
Point Lay (189) Point Mackenzie (529) Point Possession (3)
Pope-vannoy Landing (6) Portage Creek (2) Port Alexander City (52)
Port Alsworth (159) Port Clarence (24) Port Graham (177)
Port Heiden City (102) Port Lions City (194) Port Protection (48)
Primrose (78) Prudhoe Bay (2,174) Quinhagak City (669)
Rampart (24) Red Devil (23) Red Dog Mine (309)
Ridgeway (2,022) Ruby City (166) Russian Mission City (312)
St. George City (102) St. Mary's City (507) St. Michael City (401)
St. Paul City (479) Salamatof (980) Salcha (1,095)
Sand Point City (976) Savoonga City (671) Saxman City (411)
Scammon Bay City (474) Selawik City (829) Seldovia City (255)
Seldovia Village (165) Seward City (2,693) Shageluk City (83)
Shaktoolik City (251) Shishmaref City (563) Shungnak City (262)
Silver Springs (114) Sitka City And Borough (8,881) Skagway (920)
Skwentna (37) Slana (147) Sleetmute (86)
Soldotna City (4,163) South Naknek (79) South Van Horn (558)
Stebbins City (556) Steele Creek (6,662) Sterling (5,617)
Stevens Village (78) Stony River (54) Sunrise (18)
Susitna (18) Susitna North (1,260) Sutton-alpine (1,447)
Takotna (52) Talkeetna (876) Tanacross (136)
Tanaina (8,197) Tanana City (246) Tatitlek (88)
Tazlina (297) Teller City (229) Tenakee Springs City (131)
Tetlin (127) Thorne Bay City (471) Togiak City (817)
Tok (1,258) Toksook Bay City (590) Tolsona (30)
Tonsina (78) Trapper Creek (481) Tuluksak (373)
Tuntutuliak (408) Tununak (327) Twin Hills (74)
Two Rivers (719) Tyonek (171) Ugashik (12)
Unalakleet City (688) Unalaska City (4,376) Upper Kalskag City (210)
Valdez City (3,976) Venetie (166) Wainwright City (556)
Wales City (145) Wasilla City (7,831) Whale Pass (31)
White Mountain City (190) Whitestone (97) Whitestone Logging Camp (17)
Whittier City (220) Willow (2,102) Willow Creek (191)
Wiseman (14) Womens Bay (719) Wrangell City And Borough (2,369)
Yakutat (662)

Alaska Zip Codes

99501 (17,603) 99502 (24,168) 99503 (14,563)
99504 (40,914) 99505 (6,174) 99506 (7,749)
99507 (37,850) 99508 (35,857) 99510 (353)
99513 (0) 99515 (22,441) 99516 (20,095)
99517 (16,645) 99518 (10,225) 99519 (1,316)
99540 (320) 99546 (326) 99547 (61)
99548 (73) 99549 (102) 99550 (197)
99551 (627) 99552 (346) 99553 (1,027)
99554 (677) 99555 (221) 99556 (2,510)
99557 (726) 99558 (85) 99559 (7,632)
99561 (418) 99563 (938) 99564 (91)
99565 (78) 99566 (192) 99567 (9,211)
99568 (279) 99569 (64) 99571 (160)
99572 (296) 99573 (1,115) 99574 (2,348)
99575 (105) 99576 (2,603) 99577 (25,771)
99578 (296) 99579 (109) 99580 (115)
99581 (762) 99583 (35) 99585 (417)
99586 (605) 99587 (2,250) 99588 (980)
99589 (243) 99590 (194) 99591 (102)
99602 (178) 99603 (9,840) 99604 (1,093)
99605 (211) 99606 (469) 99607 (216)
99609 (569) 99610 (2,167) 99611 (15,122)
99612 (938) 99613 (434) 99614 (639)
99615 (12,899) 99620 (577) 99621 (723)
99622 (321) 99624 (90) 99625 (72)
99626 (282) 99627 (406) 99628 (443)
99630 (191) 99631 (228) 99632 (813)
99633 (544) 99634 (354) 99636 (510)
99637 (590) 99638 (18) 99639 (1,131)
99640 (174) 99641 (496) 99643 (218)
99644 (175) 99645 (25,176) 99647 (44)
99648 (113) 99649 (80) 99650 (568)
99651 (61) 99652 (3,703) 99653 (159)
99654 (52,168) 99655 (669) 99656 (25)
99657 (329) 99658 (616) 99659 (401)
99660 (479) 99661 (978) 99662 (480)
99663 (414) 99664 (4,932) 99665 (83)
99666 (189) 99667 (65) 99668 (86)
99669 (14,191) 99670 (79) 99671 (556)
99672 (3,704) 99674 (1,444) 99676 (1,546)
99677 (88) 99678 (891) 99679 (373)
99680 (408) 99681 (325) 99682 (373)
99683 (524) 99684 (688) 99685 (4,224)
99686 (4,005) 99688 (2,759) 99689 (662)
99690 (280) 99691 (95) 99692 (152)
99693 (248) 99694 (1,512) 99695 (7)
99701 (19,019) 99702 (2,647) 99703 (7,065)
99704 (24) 99705 (22,544) 99706 (13)
99709 (29,830) 99712 (13,866) 99714 (1,385)
99720 (208) 99721 (324) 99722 (152)
99723 (4,213) 99724 (84) 99726 (30)
99727 (416) 99729 (231) 99730 (144)
99732 (10) 99733 (104) 99734 (845)
99736 (122) 99737 (5,011) 99738 (187)
99739 (330) 99740 (585) 99741 (470)
99742 (681) 99743 (1,069) 99744 (226)
99745 (78) 99746 (277) 99747 (239)
99748 (190) 99749 (363) 99750 (374)
99751 (151) 99752 (3,553) 99753 (332)
99754 (96) 99755 (217) 99756 (119)
99757 (17) 99758 (210) 99759 (189)
99760 (785) 99761 (514) 99762 (4,038)
99763 (668) 99764 (290) 99765 (264)
99766 (678) 99767 (24) 99768 (175)
99769 (671) 99770 (841) 99771 (251)
99772 (567) 99773 (262) 99774 (78)
99775 (1,251) 99776 (124) 99777 (246)
99778 (254) 99780 (1,535) 99781 (167)
99782 (556) 99783 (145) 99784 (190)
99785 (388) 99786 (259) 99788 (69)
99789 (402) 99790 (20) 99791 (237)
99801 (29,164) 99820 (479) 99824 (2,111)
99825 (120) 99826 (442) 99827 (2,602)
99829 (777) 99830 (561) 99832 (104)
99833 (3,202) 99835 (8,880) 99836 (52)
99840 (968) 99841 (133) 99901 (13,508)
99903 (31) 99918 (231) 99919 (531)
99921 (1,920) 99922 (384) 99923 (87)
99925 (819) 99926 (1,460) 99927 (94)
99929 (2,338)